Moktar, the bitch.
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Tuesday, March 09, 2010 : Semalam
semalam bday juli, we manage to suprised her, hahah selalunya memang juli takde reaction on her face, ntah ekhh..haha afta da kenal dia ermm 7 years shd b susah nak tgk her muka indeed semalam we manage. celebration venue - Marina Barrage, asri n runi in charge of food - sushi for e day n me, drinks la..tak dapat minum wine minum artificial wine jadi la..asim n irah cant join us coz asim kena amik baba kat airport n anyway juli love e present weee...we bought her make up trolley bag..she loves it!! i noe she wud, thanks to runi for suggesting tat bag..afta tat session done, meet baba n family kat west coast den head back to jurong n ikut asim g jumpa irah @ her NUS Hostel..not bad for $80 per week rental. ive been missin this ppl coz almost a month didnt get the chance to meet em as everyone been busy with our very own tight schedule, irah n asim b doin their finals, the rest busy working =) but tat doesnt mean tat we forgotten each other n our love will remain the same..
Im goin out later meetin dina, for coffee n dinner probably as ive already eaten, nari best mak masak nari beriani tho im not tat beriani eater, but the lauk is enuf ..coz i makan wif nasi putih
hahah i love mixin my blog wif singlish..lama kan x blog ...neva mind as promised i will try to update my blog as often..hahaha...wif pics tho...cuba try test ah...haha
oh love im like missin u but thanks to telecommunications we been chattin almost everyday..
not really in love but juz kind missin the moments...hopin to see u soon...
Friday, March 05, 2010 : Sehingga .....
dah nak masuk setahun aku bergelar Pramugara, entahkan apa sebenarnya perasaan aku pun aku tak pasti apakah gambaran sebenarnya erti perasaan ini.
Depends la kan tengok pada mood,but sememangnya keje pun ok, kawan keje pun ok..
Baru balek dari Perth flight, Pax up hari rabu stay kat Crowne Plaza Hotel Perth dan depart tadi pagi at 4am.
ni baru gak balek dari perth, tak banyak yang nak dibeli cuma beberapa barang je, duit asik pakai je..
hahahha matilah asyik complaint duit tinggal skit dah ni, dah la bulan depan nak g Holiday ke Koh Samui.
Harus kena simpan duit kan...
K la nak g shoppin jap....
: Di Sebalik Senyum Ku
Lama aku tak mengupdate blog, dan banyak yang terlalu banyak yang harus aku luahkan namun aku sendiri kuburkan segala erti untuk aku luahkan kepayahan sering bertandang, bukan tak percaya cuma susahla kalau orang sendiri nak fahamkan diri kita.
: Sepi Itu Rindu
Sepi itu Rindu
Rindu untuk menahan kasih sayang
Rindu untuk bertemu dan bercinta
Dendam untuk leraikan segala nafsu rindu
Rindu bertandang bila sepi mengundang
Saling Merindu
sebenarnya rindu gak nak update blog cuma masalahnya kerana kesibukan dan kesuntukan waktu dan menularnya penyakit M mengakibatnya tertunggak blog bersarang kesepian. Nyaris nyaris bersarang lelabah berkaki lapan.
Been busy with work, normal routine of daily activities, Jumpa kawan and leraikan segala rindu yang tersimpan. Meet Iman yang baik hati dan tidak sombong dia amek dari airport antar g jalan2, Baik kan hatinya...Thanks Abg Iman.... =)
ada dua incident happen in my last KL and Jakarta flight which i find it macam kelakar...hahhaa
KL flight - Short trip and dis cute chinese guy, and we had a lil conversation dan from the body language hahha Interested ...bukan i k tapi dia!!hahaha but we cuma berbual je..but nothing x change..hampa?? hahha nola..glad coz i takut!! x pernah kan buat macam ni...orang nak kenal2...hahahhaa lama nya tak diperlakukan macam nie...terasa macam very young!!! sesungguhnya diriku begitu berharga
Next day Jakarta Flight - was talking to Pat, was saying at time bukan setakat lelaki je nak kenal2 ada gak perempuan nak kenal2..hahah returning from Jakarta, ada perempuan nak kenal2 hahaha..aha amek ko mokta!! was like tak kena gaya langsung sey!! Mentel mentel and dia amek gamba dengan i dan she wrote her name her contact number kat a piece of tissue paper..hahha mampus ko mokta suddenly feeling so straight!! jadi abg2 macho kejap gelak2...
Kak arie and Julie kat Vivo, and abg iman fetch me from home n kak arie n send us off to Vivo den he fled to soccer training. Shopping meant for Kak Arie ended buying for my lil Princess. Dinner was crazy kat Marche..Burp!!! kenyang!! Nice ambience . Lama sey tak gie Marche and the last time was 2000 with beloved asim and jid.
Today nyer plan temankan julie g Town mebbe nak antar crocs dia den boyfie might be fetching. hehehe..super duper cool..
Now doin my facial kerna break out rabak nak mampos!! macam datang uzur 1st day rabak rabak nyer rabak...aiyoh!! need to do some cleansing on my face- matilah muka nak pakai lama ni...
Okey nak siap2 ni..almaklumlah rap lagi nak klua..berdandan lama plakk...maklumlah anak dara...
Friday, December 12, 2008 : Batch 27 - In Action

this is the last day before we had our SNY flight to HongKong....
Fun FUN FUN...
Im gonna miss this session, missing my batch mates....
Julia,Zheeda,Sandy,Halif,Hazel,Khim,Dennis,Capt Danny,Capt Cheng Tao,Sophia,Sharon,Daphne & Yueyi...
Love u ppl....
: Aku Tetap Dia
i neva like lagu My Heart,serioulsy mmg tak suker,mungkin kerana lagu dia ada english part which i find tat macam kelakar dan nampak bodoh sangat..anyway this is my bloody opinion and u juz shut up!!...but suddenly saw this video and terkenang,...D was in the video...i could see tat dia bahagia ( matilah tak kasi tau D tuh lelaki atau perempuan ) very much happy now..left with few more days dia akan berkahwin....seolah macam baru semalam kita duduk bersama, nyanyi dan berpegang tangan bersama...but yet cinta terhalang...wasnt approved by kawan, adakah aku harus bercinta kerana kawan atau aku bercinta kerana aku sendiri...matilah akak confused!..So can i say tat was my first love..i was treated so well bertahan selama sebulan lamanya...let me count ya..ok maaf tak sampai sebulan but almost sebulan..( matilah cerita sedih dijenakakan ) dalam sesingkat usia perkenalan, dia pernah ikut aku balek kampung di Pontian, yeah we did spend great time together and it still very very fresh in ma mind masa tuh my bday and was given a bday kiss, Di Jetty kat kampung ( echa confirm tau jetty mana, ahahah) seolah menjadi saksi lambang permulaan aku untuk bercinta,tenang dan tiada rasa gundah cuma kicauan merbah, decitan cengkerik... ok cut tat part.....tak perlu tau apa kita buat...
i received the wedding invitation via post and insyallah i will attend the wedding (matilah terdengar lagu Pelamin Anganku Musnah - hahha Tragik) memandangkan tat day im not flying... But am i strong enuff tak to watch dia bersanding...
Something tat i believe no one noes a thing coz i neva ever shared this with anyone before...not even a soul... i guess im the most stupidiest fool on earth for letting D go just like tat and im the idiot whom asked for the breakup...idiot kan!! D was the most wonderful person on earth, D if u read this i juz wanna u to know tat, During our first nite out to Sentosa was the most memorable moments tat i would neva forget, u asked for my hand dan kita jalan bersama dibibir laut...kita jalan lagi di atas bridge and remember u ever me this question - " why are u still single?" remember? - hahha..took me a while untuk jawap tat soalan ( macam soalan miss world ) hahaha...but yet after 4 days our meeting, we decided to be discreetly together..but wen ppl at our behaviour,body language ada yg tot kita memain but eventually were tryin to be serious, remember tak i was so lost and was sitting alone feeling so miserable and keep asking myself why am i doing this, why with this relationship... u came and asked me if everything is ok.i taknak u risau and end up i told u everything regards the relationship..but u told me to stay strong and haf faith with the relationship..u held my hands tite and u touch my cheek and we did not kissed ( of coz la how can we kissed maa its public)..u wanna noe sumthing, if i could turn back time, im strongly believe tat im yours and u're mine...we could be happy together...Slap u hard bitch !! Wake Up!! D akan berkahwin...Dia akan berkahwin..Few times i nampak u..few times i nak tegur cuba bermesra macam dulu but i rasa tak bole..i feel really bad for hurting you...n till now im scared to fall love or to be loved though i need love...lovely kan...shut up!! Enuff Said...Something for u...
Aku Tetap Dia..
Dia yang pernah menyayangi dirimu...
Yang bodoh mecampakkan kesetiaan mu..
Yang Buta dengan ketulusan dan terima aku seadanya...
Aku yang jahil dengan Cintamu yang Bukan Cinta Biasa
Aku Cuba hapuskan airmata ku untuk mu...
Tiada lagi kisah antara aku dan kamu...
Terima kasih kerana menjadi teman mesra ku....
Selamat Pengantin Baru Sayang,Semoga Jodoh Kalian kekal hingga ke akhir Zaman, Dikurniakan Cahaya Mata yang Comel2 k Sayang, U both made a perfect couple, Sesungguhnya aku cuma dapat menjarakkan Cinta ini kerana aku bukan untukmu...
...tetapi aku tetap dia....